Sunday, September 15, 2024

Wren by John L. Stanizzi

a wren solos
where the offering of daybreak
brightens the road

and as the day
returns to heat
the bird’s music is sewn
into the branches
like lace
so delicate
it cannot be seen

John L. Stanizzi is the author 15 collections and has published in over 200+ journals, including Red Eft Review several times. You can find him in Prairie Schooner, Rattle, VIA, and others. His nonfiction is in Stone Coast, Metaworker, etc. John is a former Wesleyan University Etherington Scholar, Poet-in-Residence at Manchester Community College, and in 2021, he received a Connecticut Fellowship in Creative Writing – Non-Fiction from the Connecticut Office of Arts. His piece, "Pants," was named “Best of 2021” by Potato Soup Journal.

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