Saturday, July 20, 2024

Practicing by Martha Christina

Today the fledged finches
are on their own, practicing
how to feed themselves,
how to fly. The females
dominate the feeder, filling
all six perches, trading places
before the males can land.

Two males practice flight
between the rose canes,
and the wisteria, then cling
to the kitchen window screen,
resting their young wings.

They’re in no danger, ignored
by my old cat, who’s practicing
the sleep she has perfected.

Martha Christina has published two collections: Staying Found (Fleur-de-lis Press) and Against Detachment (Pecan Grove Press). Her work appears in earlier issues of Red Eft Review, and recently in Star 82 Review, Crab Orchard Review, and Tiny Seed Journal. Born and raised in Indiana, she now lives in Bristol, Rhode Island.

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