Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The AC Went Out... by Jason Fisk

…and I laid on the basement floor
trying to get below the heat
I was binge watching a TV show
because that’s what one does
when it’s too hot to move
And as the day slowly closed its eyes
and the night rolled in
and my binged program moved
on to its fifth season
I couldn’t find sleep anywhere
because it was still too hot
and the air was too thick
so I turned off the TV
hoping silence would bring slumber
and I heard bugs hurling
themselves against the screen
trying to get inside  
I imagined the bugs lowering
their shoulders plowing
into the gray mesh trying
to break it down
I had to listen hard
to hear the flicks of their bodies
against the resistance of the screen
and I thought about how that’s a lot like life
but that’s as far as the thought went
It was just way too hot
to think beyond that

Jason Fisk lives and writes in the suburbs of Chicago. He has worked in a psychiatric unit, labored in a cabinet factory, and mixed cement for a bricklayer. He was born in Ohio, raised in Minnesota, and has spent the last 25 years in the Chicago area.

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