Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Shadow of the Gun by Howie Good

Video from the school shooting in Georgia
was playing with the sound off on the TV
behind the counter at the convenience mart.
“Have a good one,” the cashier rotely said,
handing me my change. I was still thinking
about the school shooting as I turned to leave.
The next customer in line towered above me,
a big, strong-looking guy in t-shirt and jeans
and with a six-pack of Bud Light tucked under
his thick right arm. Across the front his shirt
declaimed “Protect Gun Rights” in red, white,
and blue. I confess to it all as I would a crime.

Howie Good is a retired professor living on Cape Cod. His new poetry book, The Dark, is available from Sacred Parasite, a Berlin-based publisher.

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